What causes are known to lead a SERATEC® pregnancy test to an apparently positive, wrong result?
According to the scientific and technological state of the art it is most improbable to observe a wrong positive outcome. SERATEC® pregnancy tests are manufactured in accordance to the European Health Standards and submit to a severe quality control, to ensure that even a slight indication corresponds to a concentration of HCG higher than the normal. The most common reasons for a wrong indication are listed below:
Consumption of medicaments containing HCG.Degeneration of the Plazenta following uncontrolled appearance of Corionzotes. Formation of Corionzotes results from the merge of two sperms with a Y-chromosome. Upon diagnose abnormally high HCG concentrations are observed as well as the fading of the ultrasound-image of the ovaries.
Hindered transport of the ovum through the fallopian tube leading to a nestling of the embryo.
Pregnancy interruption caused or followed by premature abortion. About one third up to half of all pregnant woman suffer a premature abortion within the first 12 weeks. So-called hindered pregnancies show a delayed evolution compared to normal. HCG secretion occurs at a lower rate leading to a smaller relative concentration. Furthermore HCG my be detected even after an abortion, as the time required for it to vanish varies individually.
Missed abortion.
Normal pregnancy stages menaced by abortion due to immunological failure.
„Ghost lines“(as stated above).
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